The Versatile Blogger Award – A Little Appreciation

Well, my kind fellow blogger nominated me for this, and although I am not keen on awards in general I decided to participate, this time. I thought it was about time I shared with my readers some of the blogs that I enjoy. They are really an odd mixture. I have my favorite Jamaican blogs (many Jamaican bloggers are not at all consistent in their output) and a bunch of others that are international, political, historical, photographic etc. So here goes with my Top 15 (there are many others that I read from time to time) – and just a word of appreciation for my fellow bloggers. I know blogging means work, determination, inspiration…and a whole lot of pleasure (in my case!) I have a horrible feeling I missed out some important ones, but let’s say this is a selection… If you don’t want to participate, that is fine too of course!

Rules for The Versatile Blogger Award

Thank the person who nominated you for this award and provide a link to their blog.

Nominate at least 15 other bloggers.
Link the nominees and inform them about their nomination.
Share 7 facts about yourself

AshiAkira’s Blog is for haiku lovers. Beautiful, wistful poems.

Cindy Knoke says she doesn’t care for awards but I just wanted to show appreciation. She’s in California and if you love nature photography blogs…it’s gorgeous.

Gathara’s World I never miss a post from Kenyan cartoonist and commentator Patrick Gathara – brilliant commentary on politics that often reminds me of….

Interesting Literature is quite Eurocentric, or rather English. I enjoy delving into this one. The posts are short but invite further research. I love it.

Jamaipanese is the longest-running blog in Jamaica, and is very focused on…Japan. Kirk Brown recently wrote a book about his journey, and I wrote the preface. Kanpai!

Jamaica Political Economy Jamaican friend and retired economist Dennis Jones, when not playing golf, writes a witty and sometimes provocative blog.

London Historians’ Blog calls itself “Random musings about London’s history” – not always by the same author. It’s one I enjoy browsing through. My birthplace…

Repeating Islands is written by two Puerto Rican women, a compilation of Caribbean culture, literature and the arts. I never miss it.

Rewired and Retired in Nicaragua  Expats often write lovely blogs and this is one of them, from Ometepe Island. So evocative.

Right Steps and Poui Trees From my Jamaican friend, human rights defender and avid reader of books, Susan Goffe.

SiliconCaribe is more than a blog – it is news, views and all put together by Jamaican tech and startup guru Ingrid Riley. Updated daily and up to the minute.

Sometimes Interesting is more than interesting – it’s fascinating, a little strange in a way. Very detailed slices of social history, illustrated by obscure abandoned places!

The Intersection of Gender, Culture and Education Jamaican educator Wayne Campbell blogs largely about these topics (with the occasional poem thrown in).

Zaheer’s Facts, Lies and Statistics from another young Jamaican and a sports expert, Zaheer Clarke. I only know football but enjoy reading his pieces.

Zeebra Designs and Destinations Another expat blog from an artist in Ecuador – beautiful photos, too.

Seven Facts About Myself:

  1. My writing is fueled by copious amounts of coffee (a.m.) and tea (p.m.). I am over-caffeinated most of the time.
  2. I have three crazy dogs – Freddie, a tall blond teenager who is quite beautiful; Lulu, a little “runt” with bags of personality; and beautiful Ella, who talks.
  3. I have one son and a sister in England, and a brother in Australia.
  4. I have a passion for Latin American literature but unfortunately cannot read Spanish, so always in translation…
  5. I am not a beach person. I love mountains and rivers.
  6. My husband says I am “eccentric.”
  7. I very much enjoy my own company.
My kind of place: Ecclesdown Road, Portland. (My photo)
My kind of place: Ecclesdown Road, Portland. (My photo)

9 thoughts on “The Versatile Blogger Award – A Little Appreciation

  1. Thanks for you kind words, and yes, a blog award every so often gives us a chance to acknowledge kindred spirits, giften ones or even those who provide or have provided support over the years. You provided a very nice selection of blogs — Thanks!

    When I’m on a roll, I also drink a lot of coffee, and can go to sleep in seconds – never a problem. Have you tried guayusa ‘tea’ ? I drink lots of guayusa tea — room temp — even used as a base for blended fruit drinks.. it doesn’t have the shaky side effects like coffee….


    1. You’re very welcome! Yes, my selection of blogs is an odd mixture, but I guess it reflects my various interests… I am like that with coffee – it never keeps me awake! I have never heard of guayusa tea but just looked it up! Sounds yummy and it does have caffeine in it! We definitely do not have it over here. I rather like moringa tea though – we have two trees in the yard. It’s quite invigorating. All the best to you (how is your nearby beach, by the way? I seem to remember you had a lot of erosion there?)


      1. hey again
        the earthquake, i am told, gave the coastline a hoist, so they gained some space from those waves and the sand is/was returning. the ‘recovery’ period will be going on for years.. in tw days it will be the 10-month anniversary of the quake, and everyone has that memory branded…

        my house has a few probls but nothing like many/most.. there’s a young moringa in the front yard that did not leap into the river, and every time i visit the house, i take a few leaves and have a little communion with mother nature thanks to that tree.

        guayusa is native to ecuador, so at the larger markets one can buy the dried leaves…

        well time to go pick up nieve, who has been selling flower arrangements all day!

        happy valentine’s day, dear ‘voice’ of those who have little voice.. esp mother nature!


      2. How amazing that the sand is returning after the earthquake – there were great upheavals on the sea floor I suppose. Oh – you have a moringa too… Thanks very much for your best wishes, and so lovely to hear from you!


  2. I’ll react more fully anon, as when I’m not golfing (rarely, actually, as opposed to being on a golf course walking) I am writing (a lot) and dealing with my teenager (sometimes all consuming :)). Thanks.


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