Storytellers Are Readers (And Thank you, Nadine!)

I have now set my Sunday morning routine for the foreseeable future: Stay in bed (or half in bed) until midday, reading and sipping coffee (black, no sugar). So, please do not disturb, and the phone will be on mute anyway.

I don’t allow myself enough time for reading. Sure, I read stuff online, including on my dear little Samsung Note phone. I much prefer to write on the computer (give me my Mac keyboard over pen and paper, any time). I belong to GoodReads but don’t have much time to pay it attention.

For me, though, there is nothing like the feel of a page between my fingers, and the pleasure of turning that page, again and again… and sometimes turning down the corner of a page that is important (while trying to resist the temptation to underline, to scribble my comments in the margins, bearing in mind that someone else may read the book, and it is rather rude to do that, isn’t it).

I love the @noveliciouss tweets, too. Imaginative visuals and great writers’ quotes.

I’m old-fashioned like that. I have a Kindle, but have never really developed a relationship with it. Its hard, black screen is not inviting, to me. I much prefer the solidity of hardcover books, also; and the paper sleeves (which I never remove), with a different design than the paperback.

The book that is currently bringing a smile to my face is The Wedding, by Imraan Coovadia (admittedly in paperback). It is witty, often quite comedic – and charming – the story of a strong-willed Indian woman, who migrates to South Africa with her husband.

But more of that later. I plan to write more book reviews. You will find quite a few here on my blog, and I have several more lining up to be written.

This reminds me that I myself was the subject of an article by a Jamaican writer and blogger, Nadine Tomlinson. I highly recommend her beautifully organised and sensitive blog. The link is here. I am the September feature in her monthly series, The Storytellers. It’s Nadine’s interview with me about reading, writing, books and writing book reviews. I enjoyed talking to Nadine and really appreciated her inviting me to her blog.

As you may or may not know, I worked in the “book business” for eight years in Jamaica, first with Heinemann, West Indies Publishers and The Bookshop (both now defunct). The famed Caribbean publisher Ian Randle was my first boss in Jamaica. I spent weekends immersed in publishers’ catalogs (and reading). The retail side of things was also really enjoyable: creating displays of books; talking to (and learning from) customers about everything from black writers to science fiction to romance; rearranging bookshelves to my heart’s content; and several crazy Christmases, when we did a roaring trade. I would do it all over again.

Ah, the world of books is alluring. I invite you to step into it, some more.

The author and the reader “know” each other: they meet on the bridge of words
Madeleine L’Engle
#amwriting #reading Another one from @noveliciouss


13 thoughts on “Storytellers Are Readers (And Thank you, Nadine!)

  1. I forgot to mention ‘holding a hard copy’ vs digital for reading pleasure. Ah, there is great comfort in holding a good book, cherishing well-written words, and turning those pages one by one. I really dislike the digital alternative….there’s a ‘disconnect’ for me, like looking at an image of nature vs being there in person!


  2. Great interview, and I liked your advice about ‘internal editing’ of what you write about – if you could say it in a crowded room of people… that is so very helpful.

    I also appreciated , “I realized I was writing for a purpose: to inform, to try to explain things to myself and my readers.”

    Thanks for pointing us to the Storyteller Series!


  3. I love your Sunday morning plan, Emma. I can’t quite adopt it now but maybe in the near future. Tea for me, though. 🙂

    Like you, I love the feel of paper (and the smell of books) but am not against using an e-reader, if the situation calls for it. The Wedding sounds like a fun read. Will look out for your review.

    Appreciate the mention and lovely compliment. It’s great having your support.


    1. I think I have to set aside that time for reading, deliberately… Not because I see it as a duty but because I love it! I guess I should not be totally against e-readers. They are certainly convenient when traveling, for example. Yes – The Wedding is crazy and delightful. It is good to have YOUR support Nadine, and I thank you! Looking forward to further collaborations, at some point!


  4. I agree with you so much on this Auntie Emma! I absolutely love the feel of the pages between my fingers…I’ve always loved Paulo Coelho’s “The Alchemist” hoping to do a review on it as well 🙂


  5. I enjoyed both your post and the interview, Emma! But you know I love my Kindle and my paper books equally! There, I’ve said it! I cuddle up as happily with my Kindle as with my paper books…it takes all types, I guess… 🙂


  6. Finally!!!!! Someone identifies with the awesome feeling of pages in a book…… no e-readers please……looking forward to book reviews


    1. Ha ha… You can find quite a few of my earlier book reviews on this blog. I have just taken a long break from doing it. No, you can’t cuddle up with an e-reader, can you? Well, I can’t. It’s a physical and mental thing!


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