Weekly Photo Challenge: Atop

This is a difficult challenge for me, because I don’t have a head for heights. I don’t really enjoy being “atop” a high building (I have dizzying memories of looking out of the window on the eighty-somethingth floor of the World Trade Center, a year or two before its demise). Clifftops and mountaintops are hardly any better. Vertigo is a hell of a thing.

So it was hard to find a photo, as I searched in my archives, of being up high somewhere. It’s something I avoid. Then I remembered a long walk with my family along the cliffs of northern Cornwall in the UK. The path was extremely narrow, and inches away from a precipitous cliff face. I abandoned my walking companions and climbed a little higher, onto a sloping green field where beautiful views spread out in front of me. I felt safer up there, no longer feeling that “Go ahead! Jump!” feeling.

Heading back to Eppshaven Cove, where we were staying, at a slightly less dizzy height. (My photo)
As close to the edge as I would get, on a cliff walk in northern Cornwall. (My photo)


9 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Atop

    1. Yes – I love that bleakness and the dramatic coastlines! I have lots more great photos of that holiday – north Cornwall is wonderful. It was September, and it was really quiet, not too many tourists.

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