E is for Elections

Here’s a post in the “A to Z Challenge” from my friend and fellow blogger, whom I met online (thank you, WordPress!) when she was still living in Nepal, but who quite coincidentally moved to Jamaica. We meet up for a Japanese “bento” every now and then. Here are her thoughts on elections, in Jamaica and other countries where she has lived…

Wright Outta Nowhere

DSCF1304.jpg One of only a handful of election posters during the February 2016 election.

It was interesting to me when we first arrived in Jamaica in 2015 that there would soon be a general election. We arrived to a similar situation in Nepal in 2013, but the circumstances were a lot different. In Nepal, free elections were almost a brand new concept and the country was still struggling to stop tire-burning demonstrations,voteotov cocktails being lobbed on street corners and spontaneous rioting.  Efforts were underway to prevent illegal voting and the city was transformed into a ghost town on election day, with all moving vehicles (except for official vehicles) banned from the street.  Voters had to walk to polling stations in an effort to prevent bussing.

Here in Jamaica they have their own  history of election violence, but in recent years it has been much less prelevant. Part of the tactics…

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