Partnership for Women’s Health and Wellbeing: Submission to Parliamentary Committee Considering Abortion Law Reform

On Tuesday, June 5, 2018, Juliet Cuthbert Flynn, a Government Member of Parliament, tabled the following motion in the House of Representatives: MOTION TABLED IN PARLIAMENT BY Juliet Cuthbert Flynn, MP, West Rural St. Andrew (JLP) “BE IT RESOLVED that this Honourable House consider the recommendations of the Abortion Policy Group, which was established to … More Partnership for Women’s Health and Wellbeing: Submission to Parliamentary Committee Considering Abortion Law Reform

Sunday Steam

It’s a steamy spring morning in uptown Kingston, and the revelers are warming up down the road.  The careless, jumbled confusion of the annual Jamaica Carnival (and its offshoots) fills the air.  The air is humid after several downpours that soaked the gardens of uptown yesterday.  And the sky juice vendors, hustlers and hangers-on are … More Sunday Steam