Jamaica Environment Trust’s Bittersweet 20th Anniversary for Schools’ Environment Programme

After twenty years of the Schools Environment Programme (SEP), Jamaica Environment Trust (JET) has to close the programme down as funding from the Natural Resources Conservation Authority (NRCA) has been withdrawn. I had already shared some information in a previous post about the financial challenges JET has been facing, and their needs in order to … More Jamaica Environment Trust’s Bittersweet 20th Anniversary for Schools’ Environment Programme

Plastic Rice, Peter Gives Way to Peter, and Runaway Rains Bring Chaos: December 16, 2016

Life seems one great big rush, with Christmas just over a week away. There seem to be a few more Christmas parties than usual going on. Are people spending more money? It’s hard to say. The streets are clogged with traffic and stores in Kingston are getting full, but whether there is much business going … More Plastic Rice, Peter Gives Way to Peter, and Runaway Rains Bring Chaos: December 16, 2016

Thinking Green, Justice Delayed, and A Princely Visit: Jamaica on Monday, April 25, 2016

The weather has been persistently grey, humid and cloudy. Yesterday, our gardener had some actual grass to cut, although our “lawn” remains very thin and will likely never recover. I hear La Niña is arriving. She sounds like a better deal than the male equivalent, but I’d like to know more about how she might … More Thinking Green, Justice Delayed, and A Princely Visit: Jamaica on Monday, April 25, 2016

Counting Down to Earth Day 2016 in Jamaica (And Go Plant a Tree!)

How is our Mother Earth doing, as Earth Day appears on the horizon once more? How is Jamaica doing? I would say our amazing planet – including our beautiful island – may be heading for the Emergency Room, before too long.  Earth Day is Friday, April 22, and there is so much to write about … More Counting Down to Earth Day 2016 in Jamaica (And Go Plant a Tree!)

Yes, Kingston is a Creative City, But It’s Not Just Reggae Music

Late last year, the cultural arm of the United Nations, UNESCO designated Kingston, Jamaica as a “Creative City.” The then Ministry of Tourism and Entertainment lobbied hard for this, and the Tourism Enhancement Fund reportedly put up J$3.4 million in support of these efforts. So, this is all good stuff. It’s a good selling point. … More Yes, Kingston is a Creative City, But It’s Not Just Reggae Music

Shifting Sands: An Update on Sand Mining in Negril

Here’s a follow-up on the difficult and confusing situation that unfolded this week regarding the removal of sand from Rutland Point in Negril. 60,000 cubic metres of sand, to be precise, to be used at a mega-development in Llandovery, St. Ann. The clay and peat that covered it was reportedly “dumped.” Isn’t it amazing how careless … More Shifting Sands: An Update on Sand Mining in Negril

Of Black Toads and Self-Cleaning Gullies: The Launch of International Coastal Cleanup Day 2015

This is the second time I have felt nauseous during Jamaica Environment Trust’s (JET) launch of International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) Day, which this year will take place on September 19. The global effort is supported by the Ocean Conservancy; in Jamaica, the Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF) has been a major sponsor of the cleanup since 2008. This … More Of Black Toads and Self-Cleaning Gullies: The Launch of International Coastal Cleanup Day 2015

Do We Ever Think About Where the Waste Goes? Tourism Action Clubs Have Some Answers

The Tourism Enhancement Fund continues to provide tremendous support for the Jamaica Environment Trust’s (JET) campaign to make Jamaicans more aware of the damaging effects of careless solid waste disposal on our environment…and on the environment our visitors see. Recently, Tourism Action Clubs across the island participated in a special research day to track where … More Do We Ever Think About Where the Waste Goes? Tourism Action Clubs Have Some Answers

Marley Celebrated, Women Abused, Opposition Embarrassed: Friday, February 6, 2015

Jamaica is supposed to be celebrating Bob Marley’s seventieth birthday today. Marley is getting plenty of “blessings,” as Kingston is drenched in rain. Oh – I would also like to sincerely wish media entrepreneur Tyrone Wilson a happy birthday, too! Tomorrow evening there will be a concert with some Marley sons (I am not sure … More Marley Celebrated, Women Abused, Opposition Embarrassed: Friday, February 6, 2015

A Day at the Beach: International Coastal Cleanup Day is September 20, 2014

Here’s a reminder of the upcoming International Coastal Cleanup Day in Jamaica – Saturday, September 20. The Jamaica Environment Trust is expecting a tremendous turnout. Many thanks to the Tourism Enhancement Fund and to the Sandals Foundation for their ongoing support! The Jamaica Environment Trust (JET) has received an overwhelming response to International Coastal Cleanup … More A Day at the Beach: International Coastal Cleanup Day is September 20, 2014