Remembering the Rwanda Genocide in Jamaica: The Dangers of Indifference and Silence

Yesterday evening, at Mary Seacole Hall on the University of the West Indies campus, these words resonated: The Rwanda Genocide…highlighted the danger of indifference and the consequences of inaction. The Rwanda genocide occurred not only because of the state-sanctioned culture of hate, but because of crimes of indifference and conspiracies of silence. Yesterday evening, a group … More Remembering the Rwanda Genocide in Jamaica: The Dangers of Indifference and Silence


When Liu Xiaobo learnt that he had won the Nobel Peace Prize this year, he burst into tears.  His captors, his own government, also reacted emotionally, but they were simply angry.  In 2009, Liu – a man whose gentle intelligence shines from his face – was sentenced to eleven years’ imprisonment for “inciting subversion of state … More Prizewinners