ChikV, Part 4: A Report from the Trenches of Chikungunya, and a Remedy

My fellow blogger Kate Chappell has been suffering. Here is her account of her sickness, and I wish her a full recovery. A Facebook friend of mine who is an expert on medicinal herbs sent me this recipe, which I am sharing here for those suffering from Chik V. I understand this will help to reduce the pain and other symptoms: “Juice the leafy parts of a pawpaw leaf, not the veins, just the leafy parts. Drink about one tablespoonful; the blood platelet levels should rise to normal levels in 3 hours and one will achieve some relief. Also eat body-supportive food. Mix some fresh grated turmeric in a little coconut or olive oil in a pan and heat it sufficiently for the oil to turn red, add a pinch of black pepper and let it cool. then uise this to rub on the itch and the joints.” Please share!

Jamaican Journal

Today is the first day I thought I was feeling more back to normal after being hit by ChikV. Not so fast. The rash and the all-over body ache have returned, as have the feelings of being run over by a truck after having run a marathon. And I would know as I ran a marathon last year. I also run a 10K most days. I am a fit person who is blessed with good health most of the time. But I have never experienced anything like this in my life. (This seems to be the nature of the virus, you think you are recovering, and then some new fresh hell hits you.) Going from running a 10K every day to barely being able to walk.

As I am feeling at least more mentally capable and just a little unstimulated after hours of tv-watching, I am inclined to describe what…

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