Stop anti-Roma racism

The scourge of racism in its various forms persists in my native UK and across Europe. I wrote a blog post on April 9 (International Roma Day) about the continued persecution of the Roma people and their ongoing fight for respect, dignity and human rights. So this video resonated with me. I hope that you find it interesting, and I commend the UK’s Green Party for taking up this issue.

Dear Kitty. Some blog

This video is called The untold story: Roma Holocaust.

By Derek Wall in Britain:

Anti-Roma racism is on the rise

Monday 2nd June 2014

As the far-right make strides across Europe, DEREK WALL argues that we must take up arms against the routine demonisation of its most discriminated-against minority

OUR friend Michael came to stay with us recently. We got on to the subject, as one does, of grandparents.

Michael’s grandparents lived in Bethnal Green, and were butchers during the 1930s. He told us that his grandfather carried a hammer with him because as a Jew he feared physical assault by anti-semites.

Mosley’s British Union of Fascists were politically active in the East End of London. This rather stark image reminded me of the waves of racism than have scarred British history.

Before the first world war, the British Brothers’ League were also active in the…

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