On World Wildlife Day, the Animal Kingdom is not thriving

There comes a time when humanity is called to shift to a new level of consciousness . . . that time is now. Wangari Maathai Last week (March 3) was World Wildlife Day with the theme “Recovering Key Species for Ecosystem Restoration.” In Kenya, it was also Africa Environment Day and Wangari Maathai Day – … More On World Wildlife Day, the Animal Kingdom is not thriving

Endangered Species Day: Jamaica’s Sea Turtles Are Living on the Edge

There was a painful, sad post on social media this morning: the Bluefields Bay Fishermen’s Friendly Society needs help to save and protect our Sea Turtles. On May 8 and 14, 2020 two females were killed and all the body parts stolen. “Our Game Wardens are ready and able but are in need of your financial support … More Endangered Species Day: Jamaica’s Sea Turtles Are Living on the Edge