Communities in St. Vincent and the Grenadines Build Response to Climate and Disaster Risks

Disaster preparedness and risk management is so critical for our fragile island states, in these uncertain times of climate change. Yes, we have heard it all before, but it bears repeating. Many of our sister islands face specific challenges – including volcanic activity. St. Vincent and the Grenadines are an example. With a small population, … More Communities in St. Vincent and the Grenadines Build Response to Climate and Disaster Risks

Ministry of Health and Wellness Update on Dengue Fever Outbreak (Delivered to Parliament, Tuesday, November 12)

The ongoing outbreak of dengue fever continues to create anxiety and concern among the general public, especially in relation to young children and other vulnerable Jamaicans.  But panicking won’t help. Everyone needs to take responsibility for their health and the health of others. And it’s amazing how irresponsible some citizens are – almost deliberately so. In … More Ministry of Health and Wellness Update on Dengue Fever Outbreak (Delivered to Parliament, Tuesday, November 12)

Working on the Front Lines Against Climate Change: The Farmers of Peckham, Clarendon

While global leaders and technocrats talk and negotiate and plan and argue in conference rooms and at international meetings, back home and on the ground, work is quietly going on. The challenges are many, for those who live with climate change now on a daily basis. But solutions there are. At this point, nobody is … More Working on the Front Lines Against Climate Change: The Farmers of Peckham, Clarendon

Jamaica To Celebrate National Environment Awareness Week: June 4 to 9

I attended the launch of National Environmental Awareness Week on May 25, which included the launch of Green Business Jamaica (about which I will update you in a separate post). Here is the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) press release on the week (June 4 – 9) when various activities are planned. More details … More Jamaica To Celebrate National Environment Awareness Week: June 4 to 9

Important Updates from the Ministry of Health: Zika Virus, Cleanup Day, H1N1 Flu Virus, and More

The Ministry of Health is working hard to inform the public on the various health concerns plaguing us at the moment. Please note the following important information, taken from several recent press releases. For Zika Virus updates, go to:  For more information, visit the Ministry’s excellent website at Like and follow them on; on … More Important Updates from the Ministry of Health: Zika Virus, Cleanup Day, H1N1 Flu Virus, and More

National Integrity Action: It’s Time For Some Good News on Jamaica

“You could call this a ‘good news’ press conference,” said National Integrity Action (NIA) Chairman Martin Henry, welcoming the Jamaican media and others this morning for a briefing on the new Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 2015 released today by Transparency International (TI) in Berlin. NIA is the Jamaica Chapter of TI. You can download the … More National Integrity Action: It’s Time For Some Good News on Jamaica