Protect Your Coastlines and Seas from Pollution, Experts Urge Regional Governments

Living as we do on our respective islands and countries bordering the Caribbean Sea, we must realize by now the importance of protecting our vulnerable coastlines. We may not be always aware of our marine biodiversity, however – the incredible variety of species that live beneath the waves and are less visible;  but their fate is … More Protect Your Coastlines and Seas from Pollution, Experts Urge Regional Governments

Regional Pollution and Biodiversity Experts Help the UN Caribbean Environment Programme Develop its 2017-2018 Work Programme for Protecting the Caribbean Sea

I am now once again in “playing catch-up” mode, so forgive me. Several important meetings have been taking place recently related directly to environmental concerns in Jamaica and the Caribbean, and this is perhaps the most critical for our marine environment. Here is a press release regarding a series of meetings in Miami this week, … More Regional Pollution and Biodiversity Experts Help the UN Caribbean Environment Programme Develop its 2017-2018 Work Programme for Protecting the Caribbean Sea

Saving our Caribbean Sea: Pollution Experts Commit to Support the Development of the First State of Marine Environment Report

There is a great deal of focus on our  ≈ oceans these days – as well there should be. Here are some of the current projects under way in the Caribbean: ≈ The U.S. State Department is currently hosting the Our Ocean Conference in Washington, DC. ≈ Last month, I attended the Kingston launch of the … More Saving our Caribbean Sea: Pollution Experts Commit to Support the Development of the First State of Marine Environment Report